Day 16 – Entering the Meseta

Today’s posting will be short and sweet.
Leaving Burgos is a bit of a shock. Everyone taking a day off from walking feels the same way. Walking now seems so familiar, but so foreign. The aches and pains have not gone away, but they may be somewhat subtle compared to the day before.
We are really sad to bid farewell to Rafael as he will be talking the train to Leon today. We are all sad to say goodbye as we all understanding the significance of an airline ticket deadline. After hugs and kisses we say wish him well and head out of town.
As we wind out of the streets of Burgos we meet Steven and Kelsey, from Estefan, Saskatchewan. Our paths will cross again later in the day. We start the day walking with Mark and Zeb who we lose for several hours, but them meet with again. All-in-all we will spend most of the day with these Aussi’s……(happily)
As we finally bid the city farewell, passing through the university campus and entered country side. This transition is somewhat abrupt. The Meseta is spread out before us.
I would like describe the Meseta as the frying pan of Spain. It is flat, and when the sun is out you can expect the heat to be relentless. Trees are a rarity and shade is quite literally non existent. You will either carry your shade with you, or do without.
The flat landscape does not provide any vertical challenges unlike previous days. Your water supply is extremely important as there is no ability to resupply. I am able to burn though 2 litres of water without trying. The trail is just over 21km today and under any other circumstances would be nothing more than a walk in the park. Unfortunately I am feeling the same as many people today, like the day is extremely long and hot. The terrain allows us to make good time, thankfully.
We finally arrive in Hornillos del Camino. This is a sleepy little town looking like a treasure, or tiny jewel in the Meseta. The town is really nothing more than a small farming town of 30 or so buildings…one bar, and one Albergue.
We have been walking through the hotest part of the day and we probably look it. Checking into the Municipal Albergue, we are so happy to have room at this stage we have a shower.
Low and behold we run into Bonita. She had left Burgos the same day we did… and arrived well before us.
Our Camino family continues to be dynamic. Additions and losses usually net zero……

7 thoughts on “Day 16 – Entering the Meseta

  1. Hi Cam,
    I have finally caught up on your blogs and look forward to hearing all your stories in person at the end of your quest.
    Good luck the rest of the way!

    • Hiya Peter;
      Thank you for writing Peter. The days are much easier than before an I will have a million stories….never fear. All my best to Helen Andre girls.
      As Always….. Cam’.

  2. Hola Hermano! It is Sunday morning and we are getting ready to go out and participate in the Run for the Cure with our friends Maggie and Josee. Josee as you may or may not remember, had a terrible year fighting ( and fighting IS a good word!) breast cancer so we are going out to support. It is pouring rain and a thunderstorm is in the forecast and we were mincing and waffling and whinging…and then we thought of what each of your days looks like… and … and…and..well… that didn’t really matter.
    We are going anyway:)
    So we shall think of you on our GRUELLING 5 km WALK this morning….
    Muchos Dineiros,

  3. Hi Cam,

    I have been catching up reading your log of adventures. You write very well. Maybe you’re going to have freakishly large calves like I have, only earning them honestly by mileage, not heredity:).
    Your experience is amazing, and I look forward to hearing more when you return.

    Good luck!

  4. Hi Cam,

    I have been catching up reading your log of adventures. You write very well. Maybe you’re going to have freakishly large calves like I have, only earning them honestly by mileage, not heredity:).
    Your experience is amazing, and I look forward to hearing more when you return.

    Good luck!
    Ron Graff

    • Hey Ron….it’s great to hear from you. Thank you such for sending this comment. I will start asking people if I have superman calves. Unfortunately I may be walking alone shortly after this….
      Hope you are well.
      As Always…. Cam‘.

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