Day 04 – I may have a fever

I woke this morning with an awful feeling. I am clammy, and my stomach is terribly upset. No wonder, the Pilgrim meal we had last night was a nightmare. A Russian salad (potato salad with peas….something Inhave trouble eating at the best of times.), stuffed red peppers (stuffed with a potato and cod puree) all accompanied by french fries , followed by a chocolate pudding. I wasn´t feeling quite right then…. but now after a terrible night and so little sleep again last night I wasn’t able to eat breakfast.
I am painfully aware how I must eat as each day requires a major expendature of energy. No fuel going into the day will be a serious problem. The thought of food however is more than I can possibly consider at this point.

I have promised I would not hurt myself and I am really thinking about taking taxi later in the day to Pamplona. Let’s see how this goes.
OK, here’s is how the day unfolded. (sounding somewhat over dramatic)
When I woke the first person I saw was Bene, from Adelaide. She asked how I was feeling. I looked at her and said “not so well”. Bene said she hadn’t slept well and was feeling awful too. Was there something going around?
Bene said she wasn’t going to leave until the last moment when they would literally kick her out of the Albergue. Susan and I decided to press on and said goodbye, hoping she would be OK and started walking at 8am. I was feeling as bad as I have ever felt. Sweating profusely, wanting to vomit, and having no energy whatsoever, I started on the trail…..slowly. I was needing to concentrate on each step, directing every energy into my legs. My walking poles were too much to consider despite the obvious benefits they would provide. Every inch forward felt like a major accomplishment, but was costly considering what energy I had in reserve.
After walking up some major hills, and trails I was noticing I was starting to feel somewhat better. The nausea had thankfully past. I was thinking “at least I’m not focused on my feet today”. (Yesterday my feet were burning and painful at the end of the day)
By about 10 o’clock things were looking much better, I was feeling almost human. I was finally able to consider eating the microscopic plain muffin we were given for breakfast at the hostel. Until this point eating this pathetic morsel was unthinkable. But now, it was actually tasting quite good.
My condition improved steadily when we eventually stopped at a small bar and ordered a sandwich with ham, cheese, and tomatoes. This was toasted in a wood oven and was one of the most delicious, and memorable meals I can ever remember.
I had really experienced a miraculous recovery.
We asked everyone coming after us if they had seen Bene. Some people had, and said she looked really bad. Finally Owen (from Ireland) came in and said Bene was about 15 minutes behind and was looking much better. I purchased an orange Fanta and asked Owen to give the drink to her when she came in.
Susan and I set off again. After a couple of hours later when we were taking another break who walks into a small town square where we are having a  drink but Bene! We were all extatic….
Owen had delivered as he said he would. Apparently the Fanta was very much appreciated and really raised her spirits.
After having another lemonade, we walk the last 6 km into Pamplona.
What a neat town! The narrow streets with tall, and obviously very old buildings gives a real feeling of being in Spain. We have checked into the newly renovated Jesus and Marie Albergue. This is a renovated monastery…. what a great place. OK, the bathrooms are nothing to get excited about in actual fact…….

We are all heading out for dinner, and to celebrate Zeb’s birthday….and hopefully a good night sleep to folllow.
One note: We all feel our feet are in good shape, very little pain, and our legs are now accustomed to the demands we are putting on them. Today was 26km and was pretty easy after getting over the initial hump.

14 thoughts on “Day 04 – I may have a fever

  1. Glad to hear that you are ok. Was thinking of you this morning when there was no post…All these ham sandwiches… You really are making this whole experience sound right up my alley (LOL).

    • Thanks for the comment Matt. What’s not to like???? Ha ha ha
      Tonight in Pamplona we went to a place for chicken. What extravagance.
      Really, tired of those sandwiches big-time….except for the one today.

  2. It’s great to know Bene has new friends watching out for her and to catch these glimpses of her first days on the camino. Am heading off now for a dawn walk in the Adelaide Hills; not quite the Camino but at least a form of fellow travelling. Thanks for your posts
    Jennifer (Benes’s mum)

    • Hi Jennifer;
      Bene is delightful person and she is making many friends on the Camino. We are honoured she will spend time with our little group. I have a daughter (28 years old) and if she were walking know I would felt better having some people looking for her.
      As Always…… Cam’.

  3. Hi Cam, Never late never absent ,that,s the way I brought you up. I must admit my heart was in my throat as I read your account but I wasn,t surprised that you worked through it. Look forward to next episode, stay well, I love you lots, Mom

    • Thank Dave……how are you guys doing with all of the people away? Thanks for the encouragement. It means a lot to get messages like this.
      I hope things are well for you and your family.
      As Always….. Cam‘.

    • Many thanks for taking my Mother off the streets Mary. I owe you and Mel big time. Thanks for taking theme to read this….Really wishing had paid attention in school.
      As Always…..Cam’.

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